Podcast: Single Issue Favourites

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It's all well and good talking about comics, but they are obviously a visual medium - pretty pictures!  Therefore, to accompany each episode, we also do a little blog post with some images and other extras to give you some context as to what on earth we're talking about! 

In the season finale Mike and Lee talk about some of their favourite ever single issues, including some X-Men, some Spider-Man and take a brief respite from Marvel in Midnighter. They explore what makes a great single issue comic and how the medium has changed since the 90s - or "about a decade ago" as Mike likes to thinks of it.

Plus what Mike and Lee have read this week, and another addition to the Comics or Death Museum.


What Have We Been Reading Recently?

Redcoat (2024) #3-7   
Published by Image Comics
Written by Geoff JohnsPencils by Bryan Hitch
Inks by Bryan Hitch and Andrew Currie
Colours by Brad Anderson
Lettering by Rob Leigh

Gatchaman (2024)
Published by Mad Cave Studios
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Chris Batista
Colours by Carlos Lopez
Lettering by Buddy Beaudoin


 Single Issue Favourites


Uncanny X-Men #303 (1993)
Published by Marvel Comics
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Richard Bennett
Inks (pages 8, 14-19) by Dan Green
Colours by Joe Rosas
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Midnighter #7 (2007)
Published by Wildstorm/DC Comics 
Written by Brian K Vaughan
Pencils by Darick Robertson (Cover by Chris Sprouce)
Inks by Karl Story, colours by Randy Mayor & Jonny Rench
Lettering by Phil Balsman

Wolverine #75 (1993)
Published by Marvel Comics
Written by Larry Hama
Pencils by Adam Kubert
Inks by Mark Farmer, Dan Green, and Mark Penington
Lettering by Pat Brosseau
Colouring by Steve Buccellato

New X-Men #121 (2002
Published by Marvel Comics
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Drank Quitely
Colours by Hi-Fi Design
Lettering by Richard Starkings

Daredevil #7 (1999)
Published by Marvel Comics
Written by Kevin Smith
Art by Joe Quesada
Inks by Jimmy Palmiotti
Colours by Richard Isanove
Lettering by Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Liz Agraphiotis

Spider-Man's Tangled Web #4 (2001)
Published by Marvel Comics
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Eduardo Risso
Colours by Steve Buccellato
Lettering by Richard Starking & Comicraft's Wes Abbott
