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The Rise of the American Comics Artist - Various

The Rise of the American Comics Artist: Creators and Contexts Edited by Paul Williams and James Lyons University Press of Mississipi 2010 This collection of essays is loosely based around the notion that in recent years (roughly 1991 onwards, following the publication of Maus II ), comics in America have reached a level of cultural and academic respect hitherto absent from the medium.  I say "loosely based"as whilst some essays address this conceit head-on, others have a more tenuous connection simply based on the publication date(s) of their subject matter. Somewhat more confusing is the title of the book itself; I can only assume the artist of the title is intended to be the more comprehensive 'one who creates art' meaning of the word that the comic book implication of the word as someone who draws/produces the visual artwork.  In fact the book address the writing as much, if not more, than the 'drawing' of comics [1].  Furthermore there is also